
Department of Curriculum Planning, Educational and Psychological Sciences Faculty, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Introduction: An evaluation of the curriculum elementscan be recognized as a necessity in curriculum dynamic andimprovement. This study aimed at evaluating five main elementsof a physiopathology curriculum in internal medicine (objectives,content, methods, evaluation, and management).Method: The present study is of a descriptive-analytical type, andthe study population consisted of a total of 48 faculty members ofinternal medicine physiopathology department at Shiraz Universityof Medical Sciences. Participants were selected using Cochran’ssample size formula and through simple random sampling. Thedata were collected using a 58-item questionnaire devised by theresearcher, using curriculum planning experts. Face and contentvalidity of the scale were obtained through expert views andmodifications provided by 10 professors and experts in medicalcurriculum evaluation. Also, research reliability was calculatedusing Alpha Cronbachto be 0.99. Reliability value and coefficientwas acceptable. Moreover, One-sample t-test, Independent t-testand One-way ANOVA were used for data analysis.Results: Based on the faculty members’ views, of the fivecurriculum elements, objectives and content were in relatively goodconditions (at an average level) while other elements includingmethod, evaluation and management were in poor conditions(lower than average). According to results of two-way ANOVA,there was a significant relationship between faculty members withvarious work experience in terms of curriculum evaluation.Conclusion: According to research findings, a comparativeexamination of the curriculum elements and their characteristicsin physiopathology course can be conducted, resulting inidentification of curriculum weaknesses and their pitfalls. Also,with regard to teaching, evaluation, management methods, weakand strong points of the course, efficiency, and effectiveness ofthe elements were identified.Keywords: Evaluation; Curriculum; Faculty