Document Type : Short Communication


University of California, Irvine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Orange, CA


Introduction: A multiple-mini interview (MMI) is a type ofstructured interview, which may assess many non-cognitivedomains in residency applicants. There are few studies on MMIduring the emergency medicine (EM) residency admissionsprocess in the United States. We sought to determine the strengths,weaknesses, and acceptability of a pilot MMI for EM residencyadmissions.Methods: We piloted a five-station MMI with nine residencyapplicants. Following the MMI, we surveyed all participants,using 15 open- and closed-ended questions. Using groundedtheory analysis, we coded the responses to the post-interventionsurvey to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of the MMI forEM residency admissions.Results: All nine students completed the survey. A positivetheme that emerged from the survey was that the MMI wasa positive, unexpected experience (all respondents, n=9).Candidates felt they were able to showcase unique talents,which would not be observed during a traditional interview(n=3). A negative theme that emerged from the survey was thatthe experience was intimidating (n=3). Candidates felt that theMMI left out important aspects of a typical interview day (n=3),such as time for the candidate to become more familiar withthe program.Conclusion: An MMI may be a positive experience for candidates,but may also induce more anxiety. The MMI may omit animportant piece of the interview day: an opportunity for theapplicants to familiarize themselves with the residency program.Keywords: Internship, Residency, Interview, Medical students

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