
Midwifery and Nursing School, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Patient education is influenced by cultural factors. This studyaims to find out the role of culture in patient education.Methods: A qualitative study was conducted on 23 Iranian nurses. Inclusioncriteria were minimum 5 years of working experience in clinical nursing. Semistructured face to face interviews were used to collect the data. Interviews were taped, transcribed and analyzed using content analysis method.Results: The main theme of ‘cultural sensitivity’ was extracted from theinterviews. Sub-themes were cultural divergence, cultural connection literacybasedinstruction.Conclusion: A dynamic process of patient education is influenced by variouscultural factors. Nurses must be aware of the cultural norms in patienteducation to meet their expectations in a respectful manner.Keywords: Patient education, Nurse, Culture, Content analysis

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