
1 Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

2 Education Development Center, Quality Improvement in Clinical Education Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


become one of the core components in survival and success ofany organization. Unfortunately, despite the importance oftraining evaluation, a small portion of resources are allocated tothis matter. Among many evaluation models, the CIPP model orContext, Input, Process, Product model is a very useful approachto educational evaluation. So far, the evaluation of the trainingcourses mostly provided information for learners but thisinvestigation aims at evaluating the effectiveness of the experts’training programs and identifying its pros and cons based on the4 stages of the CIPP model.Method: In this descriptive analytical study, done in 2013,250 employees of Shiraz University Medical Sciences (SUMS)participated in inservice training courses were randomlyselected. The evaluated variables were designed using CIPPmodel and a researcher-made questionnaire was used for datacollection; the questionnaire was validated using expert opinionand its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha (0.89).Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS 14 and statisticaltests was done as needed.Results: In the context phase, the mean score was highest insolving work problems (4.07±0.88) and lowest in focusing onlearners’ learning style training courses (2.68±0.91). There isa statistically significant difference between the employees`education level and the product phase evaluation (p<0.001).The necessary effectiveness was not statistically significant incontext and input level (p>0.001), in contrast with the processand product phase which showed a significant deference(p<0.001).Conclusion: Considering our results, although the inservicetrainings given to sums employees has been effective in manyways, it has some weaknesses as well. Therefore improving theseweaknesses and reinforcing strong points within the identifiedfields in this study should be taken into account by decisionmakers and administrators.Keywords: Inservice training; Training; Effectiveness