
1 Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Environmental Health, Health School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Public Health, Health School, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran


Introduction: Shahid Motahari Annual Educational Festivalaims to improve the quality of medical education in the IslamicRepublic of Iran, and has held since 2008. The present study wasperformed to determine the satisfaction level of Iranian medicaluniversities’ faculty members about holding Shahid MotahariAnnual Educational Festival during the past six years, from 2008to 2014.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 473 facultymembers (FMs) including deputies and educational administrators,managers, and faculty members of medical education developmentcenters, members of scientific committees, and faculty memberswho participated in Shahid Motahari Festival from 42 medicalsciences universities in Iran. Data collection instruments weretwo reliable and valid questionnaires on the background and alsoparticipants’ satisfaction towards Shahid Motahari EducationalFestival. Data were analyzed using SPSS Software, version 14.Results: Among all participants, 30 FMs (6.3%) were educationaldeputies, 36 FMs (7.6%) managers of medical educationdevelopment centers, 226 FMs (56.2%) members of scientificcommittees, 29 FMs (6.1%) members of the national committees,343 FMs (27.5%) attendees, and 264 FMs (55.8%) had participatedfor retraining. The total satisfaction level of the participants was73.3% which shows a good satisfaction level.Conclusion: The results identified the main important strengthpoints such as “proposals’ review process at the country level”and weakness points such as “organizing the festival”.Keywords: Satisfaction; Attitudes; Education; Evaluation; Faculty members