
1 Medical Ethics Department, Medical School, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

2 Quality Improvement in Clinical Education Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


Introduction: Accreditation assesses performance, or capacity toperform, against predetermined standards. It typically combinesexternal quality assurance, through a process of peers review,with elements of self-regulation through internal and selfdirectedassessment. This study is an attempt to identify thequality of pediatrics residency educational programs regardingpredetermined standards.Methods: This descriptive-analytical evaluation study of appliedtype was conducted during 2010 and 2011 in the pediatrics departmentof Shiraz Medical School, Iran. The assessment process occurredin several phases; at first an assessment model for a residencyeducational development and a series of educational criteria andindices were created based on WFME Standards. Multiple methodsincluding a self-assessment questionnaire and several checklistswere used to collect data, whereas systematic site visit, peer reviewand document reviewing were conducted with survey team. Due tolimitation of the statistical society, all faculty members (n=34) andresidents (n=41) of the pediatric department were asked to completethe survey. At last, descriptive and deductive statistics data analysiswas performed using SPSS version 14.Results: According to the records available in assessing programquality, it seems that the input criteria were desirable for theprogram based on the residents’ viewpoints (86.6%).There wereproper physical facilities for them to meet the residency programgoals. The study indicated that the learning environment neededto be revised for the educational needs (Likert scale: 2.96±1.05).The peer evaluation team demonstrated achievement of missionfulfillment in the context of the objectives and indicators bymeeting the desired themes. In spite of some weaknesses inthe process criteria, the criteria for output indicators were goodaccording to the report (more than desired level of 75-80%).Conclusion: Accreditation is an important step towards strengtheningthe quality of educational programs. According to this study thecurrent status of the pediatrics department of Shiraz Universityof Medical Sciences was desirable leading to a satisfactory levelin general. However, additional educational development will beneeded in order to achieve a widespread change and improvement.Keywords: Accreditation; Standard; Pediatric