1 Education Development Center, Quality Improvement in Clinical Education Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2 Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Introduction: The importance of medical profession and therole of the physician in society is no secret to anyone. Skills andcompetencies in clinical practice are necessary for the medicalprofession. In fact, in patient care, doctors require practical skillsin addition to scientific knowledge. This study examines thepotentials of medical school students in three areas of doing theright thing, doing the right thing in an intermediate range, anddoing the right thing by the right person.Methods: This study was done in a descriptive-analytical andsectional model. The population of this study was all internsof Shiraz University of Medical Sciences who were passinginternship at Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics andEmergency wards. About 100 persons were selected were selectedby simple randomization. In order to collect data, a questionnairewith 12 questions was designed in two parts. The questionnairewas approved by 7 Faculty members of Clinical Medicine andMedical Education, and its reliability was approved by test-retestmethod on 20 medical students in the form of a pilot study andthrough Cronbach’s alpha (82%). Collected data were analyzed bySPSS software version 14 using descriptive statistical methods.Results: Results showed that within the inner circle, internsevaluated their skills in surgery, internal medicine, andgynecology wards, intermediate and at other wards as weak. Alsowithin the center circle, interns evaluated adequate educationalevidence-based training in the field of medicine, and sufficiencyof educational training in the field of clinical decision making andclinical care as suitable.Conclusion: According to the results, it seems that medicalinterns’ skills in performing most medical skills are moderate.So teaching students by new educational methods and workshoptechniques, using experienced teachers will be effective. Theuse of clinical skills training centers and objective assessmentmethods for the students’ skills, especially before entering theclinical departments, is very important.Keywords: Student; Assessment; Clinical skills