1 1Education Development Center, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 2Department of Instructional Technology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Microbiology, Education Development Center, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: The main mission of military medicine in the worldis to support the health and treatment of the military in relationto issues, risks, injuries and diseases that arise due to the specificoccupational conditions. The current study was carried out withthe aim of determining the required skills of military physiciansto define and determine the required training modules.Methods: The study was a qualitative research. Semi-structuredinterviews were used to collect the data and qualitative contentanalysis was used to analyze the data. The study populationincluded all the professors and experts in the field of militarymedicine and medical sciences at the medical universities ofTehran. Snowball sampling technique was used to sample thestudy participants.Results: Based on the results, the required skills of militaryphysicians in 5 categories and 29 sub- categories were identified;then based on the identified skills, 60 training modules at twointroductory and advanced levels were determined including 39introductory levels and 21 advanced levels.Conclusion: We can conclude that some of the important skillsthat military physicians need and can achieved through traininghave not been provided in any educational program and to achievesuch skills and capabilities, other programs should be developedand modular training can be one of themKeywords: Medical education; Military medicine; Qualitative research