
1 Quality Improvement in Clinical Education Research Center, Education Development Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

2 English Department, Faculty of Para Medical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

3 Student Research Committee, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


Introduction: In e-learning, people get involved in a processand create the content (product) and make it available for virtuallearners. The present study was carried out in order to evaluatethe first virtual master program in medical education at ShirazUniversity of Medical Sciences according to P3 Model.Methods: This is an evaluation research study with post singlegroup design used to determine how effective this program was.All students 60 who participated more than one year in thisvirtual program and 21 experts including teachers and directorsparticipated in this evaluation project. Based on the P3 e-learningmodel, an evaluation tool with 5-point Likert rating scale wasdesigned and applied to collect the descriptive data.Results: Students reported storyboard and course design as themost desirable element of learning environment (2.30±0.76),but they declared technical support as the less desirable part(1.17±1.23).Conclusion: Presence of such framework in this regard andusing it within the format of appropriate tools for evaluation ofe-learning in universities and higher education institutes, whichpresent e-learning curricula in the country, may contribute toimplementation of the present and future e-learning curriculaefficiently and guarantee its implementation in an appropriate way.Keywords: Elearning; Evaluation; Education